If you are the leather handbags shop owner, online trader or the purse party seller. You must have searched a good leather handbags factory as your supplier for a long time. They must offer personalized services, accept small MOQ for custom design, can do metal logo for you, print your dust bag for free, and embossed your brand on the bags and so on.
Many leather handbags distributer and local leather handbags stores are glad to wholesale leather handbags from factory directly especially the leather handbags factory in China. Because of that most of the leather handbags factory offers the cheapest price genuine leather handbags. But the quality is the best. Best quality Italian leather, best quality hardware, and best workmanship.
Otherwise, leather handbags factory in China accept the small MOQ. You can order from 10pcs/ item/ color. That is because of that they have own designer, own leather supplier, own workers for them to make the small MOQ leather handbags.