What is your plan for the weekend is finally here, I bet you're glad of that! I thought I can show you around to see the leather market and the bags center.
Talking the topic of fashionable leather handbag and purses today. I try to make this a leather site about all things leather, so I'll include women fashionable leather handbags and leather belts. Is there anyone leather handbags center like baiyun word in Guangzhou China? Yeah, Baiyun word is the biggest leather and leather accessories market in China even in the world. Many leather handbags factory stay here to wholesale or retail women fashionable leather handbags. So you can buy many high quality and inexpensive leather goods here.
Most of the women leather handbags out there are not made of 100% real leather. There is a wide variety of Italian leather. Most of the leather is imported from itlay. Or the leather are made in china but have passed the Italian standard.
Why china can be the biggest leather handbags market center? That is because that the rich labor resources in China. Rich resources also mean the cheaper cost.
So, that is why you can buy so many cheap leather handbags or any other accessories from China at a super low price.
Even the women fashionable leather handbags can be really cheap. Of course we have the patchwork leather handbags too. It is always hot in the western countries. Which are favorite by the western ladies? Purses and handbags as the great part of wearing in daily life. Ladies are more and more care about the quality and the styles. All of them know that the soft leather, light weight, and the endurable used are good for them.